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Do looks matter?

Of course they do - especially when crossing the street.  Oh sure, you can get by on those "beep boop, beep boop" thingies for the blind...

--Wouldn't it be a horrible thing if you made that your ring tone, and it went off whilst standing at an intersection whilst next to a blind guy?  Yeah.  You'd feel awful. --

But honestly, that's no substitute for the ability to see a hybrid car barrelling down on you at 40km p/hr.

Can you play chess in your head?  Sure.  But its easier to play it with sight.

I would say, that without a shadow of a doubt... although I don't know exactly what a doubt's shadow would look like...  probably like the neighborhood watch guy, who, by the way, is a very commonly seen ghost, as it turns out... that looks do matter.

In the area of relationships, I ask you this question:  Would you want to poop on an electrified toilet?

No, no you wouldn't.  But, if you really really had to go... you would.  But, eventually, you'd probably want to pick yourself up another toilet.

Unless, say you were really emotionally attached to this toilet, and just decided to stop using it altogether.

Now, you have another problem.

Now, don't get me wrong:  I'm not saying you bought the house FOR the toilet.  Of course not.  But, at the same time... you're going to probably miss that toilet if it was gone altogether.

I wouldn't be surprised if, pretty soon, you started going over to friends houses to borrow theirs.

So yeah.  Toilets matter.  The toilets in Japan spray water on your bum, by the way.  So, make sure you shop around and find one that's right for you.

How could you best encourage a blogger to blog?

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