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(Okay, not the end, but close)

But wait, you protest, how can a flashback be the end?

Well, quite simply, Henry had created, quite by accident, a time travelling paradox bomb, whose basic existence would tear the fabric of reality so neatly in two, that, it would be akin to one of those times where you folded a piece of white paper in half with a ruler or something, and then tore it... but it actually really really worked well, and everyone would later just believe that you'd used scissors anyway.

In essence, that flashback ends with two outcomes, neatly splitting Henry into two pieces as well.  (this, by the way, proved many quantum physicists correct, in that we are simultaneously existing in all places at once; while also proving theological debates about infinite creativity existing between thought waves.

In fact, what exactly happened, was both nothing, where Henry just swore, and went back upstairs and made some macaroni (and later decided to become a super villain) and nothing, in every sense of the word, where he was transported through time, and thus destroyed time as we had come to understand it (oh, and the Earth, too).

So, the story ended right after Phil noticed the flashback, as, it was disrupting reality.

Simple, right?

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