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CHAPTER 31e: Plotvelopmently


“And… and… I saw you playing with your hackisack in a way most unsporting!  And…. Uhh… your face is stupid!  And…  and I’m pretty sure everyone in prison knows you’ve been Splorfing your Squiggledy-Spooche while thinking of female Garks!” Steve said, desperately trying to keep Splatch embarrassed.

There was a distinct ‘pop’, and then Splatch fell from view.  “We’re through!” Wally squealed, donning GAAAAGH!!!! GAAAAGH!! AAAAAHGH!! GRAAARK-kkkkkhhhh…’s carapace-coat, cuffing Steve, and making their way through the hole. 

“So, we get out, and you pretend you’ve captured me while trying to escape, get unshrunk so you can step on me, and then, after seeing how the unshrinking process works, you’ll unshrink me, and we can escape?” Steve asked, Plotvelopmently* (To ask a question one normally wouldn’t ask if one wasn’t in a fictional situation.  Often seen in sitcoms to set up jokes, or poorly written novels that want to scrunch a bunch of plot together to save time)

“…Yes.  We’ve been over this.” Wally said, realistically.

“er, ah… right.  Just wanted to be sure.” Steve covered.

As they exited their prison, they suddenly had a scale from which to work from, and saw, just how tiny they really were.  Towering above them, appeared to be a pencil eraser about the size of a house, and next to that, a mountain sized chair, and, oddly, tied to said chair, a really-Ronald-sized Ronald.  Who, in his Ronadly way, looked down at first the Parasite-ensconced Wally, and then his diminutive accomplice, Steve, and boomed “Hello boys.  You’re tiny!”

There was a pause, then, Ronald, decided he’d best continue.

“Thanks for getting rid of that little creep.  I was getting a little fed up with him crawling up my nose and driving me around like… well, actually, like these species of parasites that live on Earth… see, they get into snails, and…”  Ronald paused, and saw that they weren’t really listening.  “…and, well, I’ll tell you later.  Shall we escape?”

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