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CHAPTER 7...Pillowy Soft Spinal Padding

The stewardess leaned over and asked Phil if he wanted some peanuts. 

"Yes, thank-you." He replied in a hunched over, Quasimodo posture. "Damn brain! Why did I have to get the Quasimodo accent for talking to girls? I mean, the Scottish one wouldn't be so bad, but, girls never dig a guy with a pillow stuffed up the back of his shirt... Ah well, I'll try anyway" mused Phil, and, quickly thinking up his best come-on line he opened his mouth and moaned with a Herculean effort "Uhhhhhh."

The stewardess, taken aback for only a second, replied sweetly, "You can't keep that pillow when you leave the plane, y'know."

"Tha-a-t's right"drawled the woman sitting directly behind him, puffing on her cigar.

"Ma'am, there'll be no cigar smoking on this flight. I'm sorry but we have outlawed cigar smoking in public." The stewardess warbled so sweetly, her voice lilting like a songbird on a summer's eve. 

Phil fought to stay awake; it was like a PBS special Lightning Lad would initially force him to watch, and then promptly fall asleep leaving Phil to wonder if he could slip down to his computer without waking him.

Phil wondered what the Lad of Lightning was doing at present and promptly began to miss him. His thoughts, however were suddenly interrupted when Phil heard the woman behind him explain:

How could you best encourage a blogger to blog?

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