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Hasn't eaten in over 50 years...?

So, there's a new thing.

Where... people don't have to eat.

Like... ever.

They don't even drink water.

(go 'wan, I know you wanna say it...)

"yes sir, Mr. Internet-reliable-source, I believe you without any shred of proof"

Yeah, I know.  But, a friend of mine actually hangs out with one of these people - suddenly, it seems a little less... obscure.  A little less "old guy on the top of a mountain does it but wtf"

Now, they're finding these folks as young as 7 years old!

They say generally they go to veggetarian, vegan, then either just water, or simply jump right to nothing.


People are theorizing that they are existing like plants do - basically off of photosynthesis.  Fascinating stuff.

It aaaalways comes back to swamp thing...  Every since he did the nasty with Heather Locklear, its been swamp thing this, swamp thing tha...

What?  You didn't know?  Oh, lord, you have to see this:

(Why yes that is that girl from that show with the guy who played Teen Wolf in it... or was it Charlie Sheen?  I don't know, but that is, actually Healther Locklear, doing it with a plant penis.  PLANT PENIS!)

How could you best encourage a blogger to blog?

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