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CHAPTER 17...Soaring Sheep

A dark shadow cast itself across his page. A sheep lumbered across the street nearly causing a car accident. An eerie gust of wind blew over the table top. Leaves twirled in pseudo-cyclonic shapes. The waitress
cleared her throat. "That'll be four twenty five for the two drinks." she said, holding out her palm. 

She clearly did not recognize the importance of the moment. Shifting her weight from side to side, and sighing rather loudly, she turned on her heels and walked away in a huff. "Damn cheapskate tourists" she muttered to herself, and, adjusting her apron in the mirror, noticed what she thought to be a sheep flying past the cafe

"Gonna be a storm tonight." Drawled a woman, sitting in a dark corner of the cafe. The waitress wasn't sure, but it looked like the woman had just crammed some packets of brown sugar, the good stuff, into her pockets.

"How can you tell?" asked the waitress uneasily, feeling spooked by the woman's sudden presence.

"Flying sheep." The woman said simply, and licking the last of her skim milk cappuccino foam off her cup, with her fingers no less, stood up and gave the waitress a ten spot. "That's for the guy with the list" she
motioned to Phil, who was still bent over his papers, writing so fast his face was turning a very pleasant shade of pink.

How could you best encourage a blogger to blog?

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