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Hallucinated High School

"I hope she doesn't expect ME to pay for the drinks." Phil mused. With a gasp, his brain indicated what his gaze had just inadvertently met. In the reflection of the mini-yuppie-gotta-have-it-chrome-coffee-urn that he
held in his hand, he saw approaching him from behind the very person he least expected to ever see again. Henry Mueller!

It was Henry all right, but oddly, Henry had not changed a bit and yet Phil was sure it had been several years since they had last encountered one another. 

It was Phil who spoke first. "Henry, you ol' bugger, you haven't changed a bit. What's your secret?" Henry simply smiled obliviously and pretended not to hear the question.

"Where are you staying?" he asked Phil instead.

"Hotel Wankelzburg, Room 13." Phil answered promptly, as if he had rehearsed this scenario thousands of times before; which was only as light exaggeration.

"Excellent!" Henry replied. "We shall be neighbors. You see, I too, am staying at the Hotel Wankelzburg". They shook hands and agreed to meet later at the hotel for dinner. Phil was intrigued by the chance meeting
of his high school companion. As Phil hailed a cab, he couldn't help but wonder how Henry had managed to remain so youthful.

"Hotew Wanke-bug" he said, already practicing his Oriental accent for the small talk that was sure to follow.

Despite the renovations of the previous year, the hotel was much the same as he had remembered it and had retained much of its original charm. 

Signing in had been uneventful, but on the way to his room he was quite sure he had seen Henry peering at him from behind one of the pillars in the hotel lobby. "Curious." Phil mused. "What was Henry up to?"

"Phil...PHIL!" Henry's voice was changing. Oddly enough he seemed to have some fruit on his head...and...that was no pillar he was hiding behind, but a distinguished young waiter!

"PHIL!" Henry screamed in a far off, most unmasculine voice.

"Esmeralda?" Phil ventured weakly. Slowly his long-lost buddy Henry changed to the present non-hallucinated Esmeralda. "Oh! Hi Ez. I thought it was kinda weird when Henry showed up and instantly you were out of the picture." Phil said, and then quickly assumed the Quasimodo posture. He had forgotten his brain! "Heh heh, master."

"Y'know, you're pretty weird Phil." said the beautiful Esmeralda, adjusting her watermelon.

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