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Where were you three hours ago?

Where were any of us, any time ago, other than now?

If you think about it, there is no past, or future; simply now. Try doing anything tomorrow. Go ahead, try. You can't, you have to do it now. And when you are in tomorrow, you'll still be in now, it'll just be then.

If this is sounding like space balls, I apologise, but, if you think about it, its a fairly accurate interpretation of the situation.

When will then be now? Soon.

In fact, your entire life could simply be a memory implant (now I'm getting Wolverine on you) - btw, check that out; killer electronic battle claw! Man, I didn't have that kinda stuff when I was a kid... just duct taped knives to my hand, we did, IN THE SNOW!) and your whole life could simply be a simulation.

The government just turned you on, and, whatever you're in the middle of doing (in this case, reading this blog, which, would really be an odd choice for a government official to put one of their new fledglings into... unless that's exactly what they WANT you to think... which is why I wrote that... so you would... gah.)

Anyhoo, you're in the middle of doing something, and the future is simply the beginning.

Still, you're in now, now. We just passed then. (Just now)
How could you best encourage a blogger to blog?

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