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Why is the sky blue?

Pfft. Such a question is benieth the mighty Trogdor. Buuut, I'm not Trogdor. So, I'll take a shot at it.

Like Santa, there are three main theories on the sky's pigment.

1) Because of God's obsessive compulsive perverted killings of kittens in relation to your masterbation.

(The majority of kittens souls have a blue-ish tint.)

And, let's face it, you're still fapping (you heartless bastards)

So, the constant stream of voyuristically induced theologic kittin-icide gives our sky a nice pretty tint of kitten-soul.

Now, if you all obeyed your commandments, we'd go back to our natural blood red skies, the way God intended.

2) Something to do with air molocules having hydrogen in them, which has a blue-ish tinge which you can see the "deeper" one gets into an atmosphere, like how water gets thicker/darker blah blah blah. Pretty sure its the kittens one.

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