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Why do people rip their jeans on purpose?

Excellent question Mr. Roboto - why indeed.

My theory is our obsession with wildlife - specifically, large cats.  If you look at any 'cool' movie guy, they often have scars of some type.  Why? 

No, not because "no means no", because they had a run-in with a nasty house cat, or, lion of some type.

Its assumed!

So, I think this is a less-seriously-cosmetically-perminant way of people getting "cool scars" or "battle damage" that we all seek.

It implies street cred, but keeps our faces pretty. Like getting a neat Japanese character on a shirt, verses on a tattoo.

Now, where this comes from, initially, my guess, is less fortunate people. If you look at the "gangster walk" chances are, it came from someone who didn't have enough money to seek medical attention and developed a limp.

If you look at the "gangster pants" where they're around your ankles, my guess is, that came from a less fortunate family where the young kid had to wear his older brother's hand-me-downs.

Same with ripped jeans. My guess is, the "cool kid" just tore his jeans and couldn't afford new ones.

--But the cat idea is good, too.
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