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Why do schools have fire drills, earthquake drills, tornado drills etc?

These sound like the most amazing doomsday devices I've ever heard of!

Let's Start with THE FIRE DRILL.

That just sounds so cool!  Imagine a device that would just launch a drill-bit of fire at something...  or maybe the fire is somehow solidified?

OR... is it a device that can somehow DRILL THROUGH FIRE!?

Perhaps I've gone about this all wrong!

Perhaps this insane device has finally cracked the world's most plaguing issue.  The one thing that keeps our government officials up at night.

The very fact that nothing... can drill through fire.

That is... until now!


Vote yes on proposition Fire Drill.

Now then, Earthquake drills have been around for a long time.  You put a big bomb in a big drill, you drill, you set it off, and the world shakes.  Big deal.  Although why a SCHOOL would have one of these, is an excellent question.

My guess is, its a school for evil geniuses.  Or, perhaps a Mad Science School, for Mad Scientists. (I can just see them passing out beakers, lab coats and hair gel)

This tornado drill... reminds me of Red Tornado - who was always kind of lame, until they re-wrote him and all of a sudden he was a Dr. Ivo super creation.  I tell ya, anything that Batman authors get their hands on becomes cooler, grittier and more believable... but the Red Freakin' Tornado?  Wow.  Kudos bats.

Speaking of, did you hear Batman Died!?  yeesh.  Gotta up the readership again eh DC?  Also by the way, if you haven't played Batman: Arkham Asylum, friggen do so.  Its so awesome.

Where was I... oh yeah, Tornado drills.  Not as cool as fire drills.

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